Will tax controllers be tracked with GPS?

According to the documents, the system should provide a solution to the problem of monitoring inspectors in the field by providing an installable application (app) on inspectors' equipment, an app which in addition to providing inspectors with a clear picture of the work that must perform, must monitor their every movement on the ground in real time via GPS. "Also, the application should enable reporting for each inspection performed in real time through internet connection (4G / wifi / etc). The system should also provide a central module where it is possible to register and configure control areas and work orders, as well as determine the inspectors who will carry out work orders. The central system should provide the ability to configure alerts based on specific conditions, for example when an inspector exits the coverage area, as well as real-time tracking of location and itineraries described by live tracking tax inspectors. The central system will provide historical reports on all inspections carried out to simplify the planning and follow-up of inspectors' work in the field, ”the document reads.

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