Why and who invests in Albania? Greece, Holland and Canada lead the list of countries who have invested in Albania.

. Why invest in Albania? Albania is considered as a strategic place to invest, located in the center of natural crossroads of major corridors in Europe. You don't have to be millionaire to invest in Albania! You may invest even by establishing a startup and hiring 3 or 4 employees, by investing in a joint company or by investing in stocs in various key sectors of country's economy. There are many success stories of foreign individuals that have come to Albania and have es Its population is youngest populations in Europe and consists in a very competitive workforce in region just because 57% of the population is under the age of 35. Young people are well educated and more than 85% of high school pupils go to university. English, Italian, Greek and Spanish languages are widely used, especially English & Italian, which are mandatory fields of study in high schools. The Country has been always listed as a poor Country and in the top of developing countries lists. That's why investing in Albania means having to pay less to your employees compared to other regional or European countries. Who invests in Albania? Greece can be considered as the most generous country, which has spent a lot of funds in the form of investments in Albania, leaving behind, by several times, countries which may have a bigger economic potential. According to the data supplied by the Bank of Albania, in the first quarter of this year, foreign direct investments made by Greece in Albania amounted to 1.222 million euros. This figure has increased compared to a year ago, when this figure was 1.206 million euros or 2 years ago when this figure was around 1.175 million euros. Greece is followed by Holland. At the beginning of the year, the amount of dutch investments in Albania was 869 million euros as opposed to 688 million euros a year ago. Canada is the third in list of countries which have chosen Albania to spend their money in the form of investments. Canadian investments in Albania this year amounted to 839 million euros, as opposed to 740 million euros last year. Italy is behind Canada. In the first quarter of the year, the total amount of Italian investments in Albania was 576 million euros, or two times less than Greece, although it has been constantly In Albania recently, Chinese investments have seen a significant growth too. While Turkish investments in Albania amount to around 500 million euros as opposed 400 million 2/3 years ago, which shows that, the amount Turkish investments in Albania have registered a growth. The same thing can also be said for investments coming from Austria, which at the start of this year amounted to 443 million euros. Investments from Austria are higher than investments from Germany.

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