Where should one invest in Albania?!

Albania has a liberalized economic framework and favorable conditions for doing business. It has a strategic position with access to European markets and the Balkan region. This country offers good investment opportunities in sectors with sustainable economic growth such as infrastructure, renewable energy sector, tourism, mining, road transport, logistics, as well as information technology and communication sector, manufacturing, agribusiness, textile industry and footwear, call centers, processing industry, etc. Infrastructure: The country still needs a lot of investment and improvements in this regard. Profitable for every investor. Energy: Albania uses only 35% of its energy potential. Hydropower reserves are estimated at around 3,000 MW. The annual production can reach 16,000 GWh. The legislation provides incentives for investment in the energy sector. TAP project and related projects create new opportunities. Mining: Albania is a country rich in mineral resources. Searching, exploitation and processing of minerals constitute significant assets of Albanian economy generating significant income. Minerals that lead to bonanza are chromium, iron, copper, coal, etc. The mining industry is privatized and the government encourages foreign investment in the sector in cooperation with local businesses. Tourism: Albania has a fantastic linear coast from Montenegro to Greece and diversity in mountainous areas inland. It has numerous cultural heritage centers for tourist agencies and archaeological groups. You can invest in any way in tourism and have success, if you do invest properly, with the right managers. Apart from hotels, everything else that has to do with tourism, such as different ways of entertainment, various restaurants or transportation ideas are good ideas that bring profits. Factory export-oriented: European companies do not have to produce in China, where Albania has a salary comparable with China, but much lower transport costs. With such factories, you have won your clients and your biggest job is to find opportunities for cooperation. The examples of clothing manufacture in Albania are the best advertisement for any interested person. Agriculture and food processing: Agriculture is one of the biggest sectors and most important one in the Albanian economy employing 44% of labor and provides 20% in the Albanian GDP. This sector needs investment and is facing tough competition with imported goods. The fertile land, mild climate, abundant water, high export potential, qualified and motivated workers are some of the advantages of Albania in this sector. Key challenges are the size of farms, lack of cooperation between producers and traders, marketing of products for export, lack of adequate warehouses for the products storage, processing and packaging of food products, as well as irrigation and drainage systems. Food industry: Albania is a country that still has a low quantity of food processing in the country and a large part is imported from abroad. The market has high demand for such products whose demand never falls. Therefore, depending on available capital to invest and the market research on various food products, a variety of options to invest can be found. Small professional businesses: This is a business that every talented and passionate individual may invest in order to offer services to customers. Information Technology: The number of call-center businesses has grown tremendously as a result of cheap labor costs. Likewise, businesses with IT-based. The infrastructure and network in this direction is already set. The ICT Sector is growing rapidly becoming one of the most dynamic industries in Albania. The services sector BoP (Balance of Payments): There is growing interest from foreign investors and tends diversification of services offered, client services, marketing, financial, legal, accounting, programming services, etc. Online Market: Increased use of debit / credit cards have boasted online purchases in Albania. This process is already in the early stages. One such business should open at this very moment! Not much capital needed, but mainly good ideas. Bars and Restaurants: In Albania there are many such, but we cannot leave such investment out of the list. Many investors are quite satisfied with this type of investment. Land: There is also another excellent investment opportunity, land. Albania has still cheap land across the country, with cheap prices. Land is the most important capital whose value is ever-growing. The area where the land is bought is important, but not essential. However finding a successful business idea is much easier to say than to do!

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