What is happening to LuizEjlli?

Meridian Ramçaj, former resident of BBV, said that the hashtag name Luiz Ejlli was written on Google 125 million times in 20 days. He said that he is a character who entered Big Brother Vip with 2 thousand fans, while today he reached 196 thousand. Ramçaj: The hashtag name Luiz Ejlli was written on Google 125 million times in 20 days. A character who entered with 2 thousand fans, while today he reached 196 thousand. For me, this is his merit. He is a man who came to the surface with his charisma and humor, as well as with his tolerance. And in this moment on tiktok #luizejlli hashtags like #luizejlli, #luiz and #meluizin has reached 2.5 billion viewers that make him the most famous and clicked person in Albania and abroad. The singer Luiz Ejlli has managed to become one of the most commented and sought-after names in social media within a few weeks. His entry in the second edition of Big Brother VIP Albania has awakened even more curiosity about this format and his every action or word becomes viral. Social networks have been "occupied" by the singer and it is almost impossible not to come across a video where he makes jokes or challenges the other residents of the house.

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