This Is How People Orgasm Around the World

Where do people have the most intense Os? Which nation has more screamers? A new survey reveals how countries around the globe stack up when it comes to climaxing. A survey organized in last year by the sex toy retailer, Lelo's Orgasm Day , was a big surprize for people. The sex toy retailer, did the hard work of polling 2,200 people across 21 countries about their big Os, asking questions such as how often they reach the pleasure peak, the position that makes it easiest to do so, and how loud they are when they pass the finish line. Lelo crunched the numbers and released a list this week that ranked the countries where people orgasm the most and most intensely, as well as nations where citizens might want to amp up the bedroom action and increase their weekly orgasm count. Here's what the survey found. Norwegians have the most orgasms Norway's chilly temps must be inspiring residents to create heat between the sheets, because 35% of Norwegian respondents said they have the big O at least once a day. On average, the worldwide climax rate is 2 to 3 times per week, according to the survey. People from Chile, Italy, and Spain have the most intense Os When asked to rate the intensity of their big Os, 10-13% of respondents from these three countries gave their orgasms a 10 out of of 10. Brazilians orgasm loud and proud Residents of Brazil are more likely to wake the neighbors after a an orgasm than people in any other country, as 65% of Brazilian respondents described themselves as screamers, stated the survey. Norway came in second, with 39.9% of those polled 'fessing up to not being quiet during climax. Canadians should orgasm more 15% of canadian say they've never experienced an orgasm, another 15% rated their orgasm intensity a paltry one on a scale of 1 to 10. Americans have work to do Chileans, Italians, and Spaniards may be most satisfied with their orgasms, but 28% of U.S. respondents rated their Big O satisfaction a 7.

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