The pros and cons of investing in Albania! Be acquainted with both sides of the medal!

The pros of investing in Albania: 1. Albania has great economic potential and favorable geographic position; 2. The business legal framework is aligned with the EU legislation; 3. Taxes are low and the taxation system encourages foreign investors; 4. Dynamic workforce, qualified and competitive; 5. Low labor cost (minimal wages around 140 euro/month); 6. The free trade and export tax-free for the EU, EFTA, CEFTA and Turkey; 7. Treaties to avoid Double Taxation with many countries; 8. VAT is not applied for the import of production machineries; 9. You can invest in all sectors, there is no need for preliminary authorization from the government; 10. Foreign investments cannot be directly or indirectly expropriated or become a state property. The cons of investing in Albania: 1. There is high level of corruption; 2. Political instability and continuous tensed political situation; 3. There is no professionalism in all public administration levels; 4. There is economy informality which influences unfair competitiveness; 5. There is considerable lack of inter-institutional coordination; 6. There might be evasive interpretations of legislation; 7. There is continuous staff rotation in the administration and there is little trust in its services; 8. There is no stability in fiscal policies and relevant legislation; 9. There is not enough transparency of the administration actions; 10. Criticized functionality of the justice system. P.s EFTA (The European Free Trade Association signed by: England, Sweden, Norwegian, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria and Portugal, Finland and Island. CEFTA (Central European Free Trade Agreement) a free trade agreement with eight countries of the Western Balkan part of the agreement: Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Moldavia.

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