The monument of National Hero of Albanians, Gjergj Kastrioti Skenderbeu, is not covered by muslims.

Did the Skanderbeg's bust be covering during the prayer of Kurban Bajami in Tirana? Why? How could they do this shame?! Yesterday and especially today the social media have a lot of harsh reactions from albanians in all country and abroad. But it looks like this debate is fabricated for a certain purpose. The truth is simple. In the picture it seems clear that the monument of National Hero of Albanians, Gjergj Kastrioti "Skenderbeu", is not covered. Even between the LED screens that are placed and the bust, is a space of several meters. Meanwhile, the bust is at a height greater than the LED screens. If the goal was to cover it, the screens would be placed above. It is also apparent that the LED display is not fixed before the bust, but on the right. The vast majority of believers present had the bust opposite to the right, while the photos thrown into social media are fixed at such an angle, bringing the look as if the bust was covered. Regarding this, the Mufti of Tirana, Ylli Gurra when he was asked for Skanderbeg's "veiling" during prayers, said that there were mostly the technical conditions that led him there, but without any intention. "There has never been a goal either this time, they have found it easier to install the LEDs. One of the Led lights should be seen by the praying ladies, who have been on the right. The screens should have some degree of slope. But in any case, I emphasize, that there is no tendency" ""I was not engaged with the technical tone and lighting this time, but from the beginning I know that the shape of the square requires the "led wal" screens to have some degree of slope so that they can be seen on all sides of the square. I want to make a public clarification for the Catholic and Orthodox brothers. We had no intention of offending or covering Skanderbeg. He is the National Hero of Albanians and neither from the religious side, nor from the historical presence of his monument to the square is no problem for Muslims", said Gurra. The Tirana Mufti expressed his regret for the way this is perceived and confessed that "I have received life threats" because of the circulating images and the perception that Muslims covered the monument of Skanderbeg during the Morning Prayer.

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