The judges and prosecutors complaint aims to infringe vetting process

The judges and prosecutors complaint aims to infringe vetting process. The Union of Judges appealed to the Vetting law in the Constitutional. They ask for the resignation recognition until new facts are unveiled. The Albanian Parliament approved the 27 members of the vetting institutions, the Independent Qualification Commission (KPK), the Appeals College (KA), and the two Public Commissioners. These three institutions will in the coming years reassess all the judges and prosecutors, as well as supporting personnel, in the Albanian judicial system. The work of the vetting institutions is defined in the Albanian Constitution art. 179/b, the Constitutional Annex, and law no. 84/2016 “For the transitional reassessment of judges and prosecutors in the Republic of Albania,” also known as the “vetting law.” But judges aim to conceal their past. They are trying to conceal their wealth. They ask for the resignation recognition until new facts are unveiled. The Union of Judges appealed to the Vetting law in the Constitutional. This look like the attempts to weaken the reform, to protect corrupt judges and prosecutors, including those related to organized crime. Judges and prosecutors complaint is clearly tendentious due to the fact that it aims to infringe vetting process. This complaint has a sinister goal. The complaint acceptation by the High Court is another worrisome element. US Embassy in Tirana reacted after the Union of Judges appealed to the Vetting law in the Constitutional. Embassy asking the Constitutional Court to review complaints openly and transparently, based on the recommendations of the Venice Commission. All judges, including the judges of the Constitutional Court and the High Court, all prosecutors, including the General Prosecutor, Chief Inspector, and other inspectors at the High Council of Justice are subjected to reassessment of wealth. All legal councillors at the Constitutional Court and the High, legal aids at the administrative courts, legal aids at the General Prosecutions will be reassessed for their assets. Upon request and if they fulfill the legal criteria also former judges, former prosecutors, for legal councillors of the Constitutional Court and the High Court, which have worked in those positions for at least three years, can be subjected to the reassessment process. The control of wealth is executed by the independent state institution of the High Inspectorate of the Declaration and Control of Wealth and Conflict of Interests (ILDKPKI), which reports back to the KPK. According to the Constitution the KPK and KA have full authority to investigate matters themselves and full control over the vetting process. The secrecy clause may only be invoked by the DSIK in regards to “information [that] is favourable to the assessee.” The entire process will be monitored and assisted by the International Monitoring Operation (ONM).

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