The indigo child from Russia remembers his past life on Mars. The red planet still inhabited today.

Many believe he is an "Indigo Child", kids who have amended DNA spirals and who are here for a special mission to change our planet. But now he is not yet a child. He already is 21. Boris Kipriyanovich who goes by Boriska meaning “little Boris”, is a great mystery. His knowledge and skills have fascinated researchers. He has confounded experts with his knowledge of outer space for nearly 20 years. He was not even three when he started talking about the universe. Boriska knew the names of planets and galazies. His parents claim that he was able to speak months after he was born and would often discuss subjects they had never taught him, such as alien civilisations. Boriska’s mother, being a doctor, noticed right away that he was stronger and developed quicker than other children. At the age of 1 Boriska could read newspaper headlines and at the age of 2 he learned how to draw. His incredible memory, language skills, quick wit got him noticed right away by tutors when he started kindergarten at the age of 2. Boriska was also learning things from otherworldly sources that left his parents baffled. They would often find him sitting in meditation learning from sources they didn’t understand. Only some believed his stories of other worlds and some didn't. Boriska, from Volgograd region of Russia, claims that lived on Mars before being reborn on Earth. He claims to have lived in a his previous life in red planet, which suffered from a nuclear catastrophe in the distant past. “No one has ever taught him,” Boriska’s mother stated. “Sometimes he would sit in a lotus position and start telling us detailed facts about Mars, planetary systems, and other civilizations, which really puzzled us.” the woman said in an interview with The boy’s mother was not sure what to think, whether the child’s imagination was over-developed or if there is a small possibility that what he was telling was the actual truth. Boriska told about piloting space ships, how Mars lost its atmosphere, and about the underground cities that are on mars till this day. He said that the red planet is still inhabited today, even though the Martian atmosphere suffered catastrophic damage in the past. “The Martian civilization inhabits cities located far beneath the Martian surface”. Giving an insight into Martian life he said that people from Mars stop ageing at the age of 35 and are immortal. In one occasion, his mother asked “How can you remember all this?” He responded: “Nobody has told me that, I saw it.” According to his parents, the boy speaks of the Lemurian civilization and their existence as if it were yesterday. According to his mother, Boriska states that the Lemurians inhabited Earth 70,000 years ago, and were massive beings, which grew nine meters in length. When the earth had the Lemurian civilization Boriska says that Mars was going through a devastating war. According to Boriska, there were many bloody wars which were very destructive on the planet leaving destroying the atmosphere of Mars. He claimed that he had visited Earth while working as a pilot on Mars and that they had close connections to ancient Egyptians. In fact he has made a prediction that life on Earth is going to change significantly when the Great Sphinx of Giza will ‘unlocked’ using a mechanism behind its ear. Boriska went on to say that there are great discoveries still waiting to be made on our planet. The boy says that a massive knowledge database will be found underneath the Great Pyramid of Giza. He added that more knowledge will be found under another Pyramid yet to be discovered. “The human life will change when the Sphinx is opened, it has an opening mechanism somewhere behind the ear; I do not remember exactly,” he said. Boriska says the ancient Lemurian civilization vanished because they failed to develop their society spiritually which eventually lead to their downfall. He has tolded about how they had developed a technology of encapsulated energy which was designed to cause some explosions on Jupiter in order to turn it into a second sun. This would have created a whole new energy source for their people. Before they actually were able to use the capsules a war broke out that changed everything for them leaving them disorganized. "People like us still live there. There was a nuclear war between them. Everything burnt down. Only some of them survived. They built shelters and created new weapons. All materials changed. Martians mostly breathe carbon dioxide. If they flew to our planet now, they would have to spend all the time standing next to pipes and breathing in fumes,” Boriska said. The Vedic texts and other historical documents talk about galactic wars that have been fought on Mars for thousands of years. He describes aliens, their technologies and about the wars they have had there in their past. He told how some ships are ion powered and other ships have other energy based power sources. They wouldn’t be able to use oil or natural gasses because the engines are too powerful and they would risk running our of resources. A Specialist asked Boriska why man-made spacecraft often crash when they are approaching Mars. “Martians transmit special signals to destroy stations containing harmful radiation,” Boriska replied. When the interviews asked if he could describe the UFOs he said that the particular crafts he was familiar with were more tear shaped instead of the traditional saucer shape. Those who have had the opportunity to speak with Boriska say he has extreme knowledge of space and different dimensions. He possesses knowledge of Interstellar spacecraft and talks about that as if he was an expert. He has even drawn numerous UFOs and explained how they function. When asked to describe a UFO, Boriska said: “It has six layers. The upper layer of solid metal accounts for 25 percent, the second layer of rubber – 30 percent, the third layer of metal – 30 percent, and the last layer with magnetic properties – 4 percent. If we give energy to the magnetic layer, spaceships will be able to fly across the Universe.” When Boriska was asked about how he felt about how we are doing now in our world he struggled at first to come up with an answer stating that he didn’t want to speak badly about people. This is understandable considering how far we still need to go as a species in order to be more connected to each other and live in harmony with nature. Then the interview asked if there were good things and he said that humanity does have a lot of good people who are trying to stop wars and develop good technologies. While the story might sound fascinating and unbelievable to some, his parents, well-educated people, are in fact worried about the incredible talents their son possesses. They are afraid as to how society will accept him.

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