The cause of the second wave of Covid-19 will...

"The virus has no wings and we keep the pandemic alive. The virus is spread by the people who carry it. "With our irresponsibility, we will create a second wave of Covid infection." "We will be the cause of the second Covid wave," said Ilaria Capua, a well-known Italian virologist. Ilaria Capua stressed that ‘through our actions we can leave the virus a very minimal space so that it will not be able to kill us because without the vaccine it will not disappear’. "We have already seen that in Italy the coronavirus has been circulating since mid-December, so from mid-December to mid-February Covid has been circulating without causing much trouble, so it is possible to curb its aggressiveness." Regarding the new outbreaks of asymptomatic cases, virology said they are indicative of what is happening; cohabitation with Covid. According to Capua, ‘attention should be paid to inflows to intensive care units’. Speaking to SkyTg24, Ilaria Capua said the numbers are not always indicative. "Even for some time we will have to coexist with the coronavirus because it will not leave without the vaccine. "But since we now know how to manage it and without making the same mistakes, we will be able to fight the infection." Capua also said that “The big challenge is to find a way to be part of the solution and not part of the problem, this can only happen if we all work together by applying the essential measures to slow down the infection. "In those places where the pandemic curve is flat, the virus is still circulating but less so than where the curve is rising."


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