Ten great mysteries of the mind

Ten great mysteries of the mind Most of the things that we do not understand from our being human is our head. The brain is an organ of the inexplicable, such as real questions of life and death, consciousness, sleep and much more. 1 – Conscience When we wake up in the morning and know that the sun climbs, hear the birds and feel the fresh breeze of the morning. In other words you are aware. This topic has been plagued the scientific community since antiquity. What most requested explanation was how our brains grow from subjective experiences. 2 – Deep freeze Living forever may not be true. But a pioneering field called “cryonics” can give people two lives. Some centers in the US, and enter human bodies after death in vats of liquid nitrogen ice at temperatures below 320 degrees. The idea is that a person who dies from an incurable disease could be revived in the future when it found the right cure. 3 – The mystery of death Living forever is just in Hollywood. But why people grow old? When born body has a number of injury that fight diseases, that makes you think that this is a process that must continue forever. But as we grow older, repair mechanisms get out of shape. Aging is part of human genes. 4 – Nature and Nutrition Unduly in a battle that whether our thoughts and personalities are controlled by genes or environment, scientists are building evidence that can not be none, but can also be both simultaneously. 5 – Movement of the brain Laughter is one of human behavior less understood. Scientists have discovered that during laughter, three parts of the brain are illuminated. An opinion piece that helps you to understand the joke, an area that shows the movement of muscles and a touch emotional feelings 6 – Memory Some experiences are hard to forget, like perhaps the first kiss. But how does the brain to remember sequences of life? Using brain imaging techniques, scientists are discovering the mechanism responsible for creating and preserving memories. It’s “hippocampus”, areas that acts as a memory box. 7 – Mission Control The so-called biological clock of the brain, the body program to follow missions at a pace of 24 hours. The most evident effect of kirkadian rhythm is the sleep-wake cycle, but the biological clock also affects digestion, body temperature, blood pressure, and hormone production. 8 – Feelings ghost It is estimated that about 80% of the sense of limb, including warmth, itching, pressure, pain from ‘missing limbs. People who experience this phenomenon known as “phantom limb” to feel like real members are not part of your body. 9 – Closed Eye Any animal or creature does a thing. It’s so essential to man. We spend more than a quarter of our lives asleep. Yet the underlying reasons for the need for sleep are not yet fully resolved. 10 – Beautiful Dreams If you ask 10 people that dreams are made of that, perhaps 10 will yield different answers. This is why scientists are still trying to discovery of this mystery. Maybe dreams came from trafficking and stimulating synapses located between brain cells. Another theory says that the tasks are the emotions that people have failed to take care of during the day.


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