Staying in front of the screen as little as possible prolongs your life

Limiting the time you stay in front of the screen to two hours a day can prevent deteriorating health, according to a new study. The health risks associated with staying long in front of the screen, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, which were at their lowest level when the daily TV time spent was two hours or less. The study from the University of Glasgow involved nearly 500,000 participants aged 37-73 for a 12-year period between 2006 and 2018. The researchers said the findings imply that adults should minimize screen exposure. If all participants were to limit television time to two hours a day, possibly the risk of common mortality would be reduced to 5.62% and to 7.97% the risk of death due to cardiovascular disease. The study included television screens, videos and cell phones. Dr. Hamish Foster of the Institute of Health and Welfare at the University of Glasgo led the study. He said recent research supported current evidence from watching more TV and living a sedentary lifestyle in general can lead to poor health. "Our study suggests that limiting time on TV can delay or prevent very unfavorable health," said Dr Foster. The researchers also looked at the potential benefits of replacing television time with healthier activities such as walking.

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