Spectacular views,super pink moon illuminates the sky..

The pink supermoon gets its named from the pink wildflower that bloom during spring in North America. The full Moon of 8 April 2020 occurs just 8½ hours after perigee, its closest point to Earth in the oval-shaped lunar orbit. Observers in the British Isles with clear skies shortly after 7pm BST should look due east to greet the rising Moon which is almost full against the stars of Virgo. But look a little closer: does it seem a bit larger than normal? This really is a big Moon, the largest it’ll appear throughout 2020 NASA encourages public to look skyward for a respite from coronavirus outbreak as full moon moves closer to earth than usual. There’s a string of supermoons this spring. So if you miss the upcoming lunar show, catch the next one May 7.

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