Severe political crisis in Italy

Real theaters are closed due to the pandemic. But in Italy another theater is taking place - a drama with the government crisis, which is a very common occurrence in this country. Italy is accustomed to government crises, but government changes in the midst of the pandemic are not uncommon. Newspapers and TV shows now have only one theme: Terrible and intriguing entertainment - not on Netflix, but in a real political drama. While the EU Commission in Brussels and above all Italian companies and business people are waiting for a plan to revive the economy, politicians in Rome are most concerned about themselves and power. Italy's 66th government since World War II has failed due to disagreements over the renewal program and about 200 billion euros to be funded by the European Union. The coalition's smallest partner, the left-liberal Italy-Viva party of former Social Democrat and former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, has cut ties. Prime Minister Guiseppe Conte, who does not belong to any party, was forced to resign, although he politically survived the no-confidence motion in both houses of parliament. In all likelihood, Guiseppe Conte will try to form a new cabinet, the third in a row. The chance exists because Italian MPs often change their affiliation and move from one group to another parliamentary group, depending on interests and favors. Conte could now try to persuade independent or Liberal MPs to vote for a third term to avoid new elections. Otherwise the most successful Prime Minister of Italy so far has been Silvio Berlusconi, seen from the duration of his term. The 84-year-old Berlusconi, who was accompanied by numerous scandals, still has a hand in his Forza Italia party and has not ruled out the possibility of returning to Italian politics. He is now a member of the European Parliament. But even current Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is not so bad in the ranking of duration in this post. He is in eleventh place, just behind Matteo Renzi.

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