Scientists hope to use stem cells in a new, highly controversial way to reverse death.

Could we soon REVERSE death? The first attempts to bring people back from the dead are slated to start within this year. To be declared officially dead a person in the majority of countries, you have to experience complete and irreversible loss of brain function, or “brain death”. It seems that, there’s a research team trying to use stem cells to find a solution. One study expected to launch very soon, within this year. Scientists hope to use stem cells in a new, highly controversial way: to reverse death. Bioquark, believe brain death is not “irreversible”. The idea of the trial, run by Philadelphia, USA-based Bioquark, is to inject stem cells into the spinal cords of people who have been declared clinically brain-dead. The subjects will also receive an injected protein blend, electrical nerve stimulation, and laser therapy directed at the brain. The ultimate goal: to grow new neurons and spur them to connect to each other, thereby bring the brain back to life. CEO Ira Pastor has revealed they will soon be testing an unprecedented stem cell method on patients in an unidentified country in Latin America, confirming the details in the next few months. “It’s our contention that there’s no single magic bullet for this, so to start with a single magic bullet makes no sense. Hence why we have to take a different approach,” said Ira Pastor, CEO of Bioquark. According to Pastor, Bioquark has developed a series of injections that can reboot the brain. US company to start trials 'reawakening the dead' in Latin America. The team outlined a trial proposal last year to do in India, but were shut down. They have no plans to test on animals first.

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