Rama announced new cabinet

For the first time in the 25 years of pluralistic Albanian history, all the cabinet ministers belong to the same party, with no other party allies in the government. Socialist Prime Minister, Edi Rama, presented a small government with 13 ministries, including that of the Prime Minister, from 21 that they had in the first term. It seems Rama has retained several close allies. From 13 cabinet members, are 11 ministers and two ministers without portfolio. He respected the gender balance and named 6 men and 7 women. The two State Ministers are one for Diaspora and one for Entrepreneurship. The new deputy prime minister will be a woman, newly-elected Shkodra MP, Senida Mesi. However, the core of the cabinet did not change in either structure or name. Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati retained the position, while Fatmir Xhafaj remained the minister of the interior, and Arben Ahmetaj held onto the role of minister of finance. This ministry will also supervise the economy. Damian Gjiknuri remains Minister of Energy. Mirela Kumbaro will stay at the Culture Ministry and Lindita Nikolla at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The Rama II cabinet comprises the following ministers: Edi Rama – Prime Minister Senida Mesi – Deputy Prime Minister Pandeli Majko – Minister of State for Albanian Diaspora Sonila Qato – Minister of State for the Protection of Enterprise Ditmir Bushati – Minister of Foreign Affairs Fatmir Xhafaj – Minister of Interior Affairs Olta Xhaçka – Minister of Defense Etilda Gjonaj – Minister of Justice Mirela Kumbaro – Minister of Culture Arben Ahmetaj – Minister of Finance, Economy, and Labor Lindita Nikolla – Minister of Education, Sport, and Youth Ogerta Manastirliu – Minister of Health and Social Care Damian Gjiknuri – Minister of Energy, Industry, and Infrastructure Niko Peleshi – Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Blendi Klosi – Minister of Tourism Not just a new government, but also new rules. Prime Minister, Edi Rama, unveiledon Sunday the new rules of the Governance function. Ministers should signan agreement with the premier before they start to work. At the beginning of every Parliamentary Session they should propose their action plan, strategy and objectives and if they will not fulfill even one point of the planat the end of the session they will automatically be fired. Immediately after the announcement of the new government, albanian opozite hastened to oppose its composition. The leader of Democratic Party Lulezim Basha labeled Government as the New Communism Elite. According to him, this government cannot be the one which support the people, but crime. He added that the opposition has the duty to stop this governance. “Thirty years after the collapse of communism, Albania is ruled today by some of the notorious communist figures, Edi Rama, Gramoz Ruci, Fatmir Xhafaj, Bushati, etc”, said Basha. Also the leader of the Socialist Movement for Integration (SMI), Monika Kryemadhi, former ally with Prime Minister Rama in the last four years, considered the new governance cabinetas an old one which will leads Albania toward the economic abysses. "A big popular revolt will begin, even by the socialists themselves and by the police also. The protests and the frustration of the people will be the strength of the SMI, and the nightmare of Edi Rama," said Kryemadhi. The new team "Rama 2" will assume the official mandate in mid-September after the new parliament is constituted

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