Over 12 million coronavirus infected worldwide..

More than 12 million people worldwide are infected with the new coronavirus, according to John Hopkins University. About a quarter of them are in the United States. In this country, new cases are on the rise, mainly in the western and southern states: Florida, Texas, Arizona and California. Since the discovery of the first cases in December in China, the United States has become the most affected country by pandemic, with more than 3 million diagnosed cases and at least 132,256 deaths, which is slightly less than a quarter of 548,000 deaths worldwide. Outside the US, the number of cases is rising in Brazil, which has 1.7 million infected, and India with 742,000 confirmed cases. Mexico also reported 6,995 new cases, surpassing Spain in the total number of infected with more than 275,000. So far, 32,796 people have died in Mexico. In Australia, 5 million people are isolated in the country's second largest city, Melbourne. Residents have been told to stay home for six weeks after other measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus that causes COVID-19 disease.

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