Mother of historical President George Washington was an Albanian from Peja district.

(From: John McCallum / Reuters) Self President Washington said to have left a paper-trust to protect Albanians from America at any time and in any way. Not long ago, the Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics, headquartered in Switzerland Schafhausen, the results of new research on genetic world leaders, under which it appears that historic president of the United States of America, George Washington, has been Albanian descent. Institute, that within extensive research has analyzed genetic samples of former US president who led the country into a war of liberation against the British Kingdom, concludes that Washington was 50 percent Albanian, which means that one parent was 100 percent of its Albanian. While the Basel Institute does not go into detail about this epochal discovery, experts in other fields are hurrying to confirm this assertion, citing the other evidence, the linguistic genealogy. George Washington has been the main political leader of the US military in the years 1775-1799, which led the country to victory in the liberation war against Great Britain, was in charge of the country at the time of writing the constitution and held presidential practices government, which even today are cornerstones of work in the White House. In the US, he is considered the “Father of the Nation”. The Albanian mother According to linguist “Albert Myko”, by the Institute of Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley, USA, there is other evidence showing that the mother of George Washington was Albanian: “George Washington was the son of Augustine Washington and Mary Ball Washington. Mary was actually Mary Bala, whose parents were from the district of Pec, in Kosovo today. Lively Marija was born in Virginia, USA, in 1708, but her parents have been there in 1706, after a long journey by boat that started from Ragusa, Dubrovnik today, and led them through Britain to Earth Promised, America. History travel to Washington from Kosovo grandparents in America is described in a biographical book “Mary Ball Washington” author Virginia Carmichael, published in 1850. There, he even said that Balaj had come from a village called Sinic, which can be tampering name Isniq village in the municipality of Decani, says Myko, which indicates that this story until recently was kept hidden in the drawers of the White House, and that the mention of Albanian origin of Washington is removed from the list of topics prohibited by the National Security Council of the United States only recently. In this connection, the White House officials declined to say only that “it was not a coincidence that Vice President Biden mentioned Washington in relation to the Prime Minister of Kosovo.” Andin Washington However, the recent discovery, perhaps sheds light on some other aspects of US involvement in Kosovo and Albanians in general support. Acclaimed American author, Carl Woodward, who has written several books and documentaries about American presidents stories from the White House, says that during archival research for his book on the Clinton presidency, published in 2004, entitled “Clinton House”, has found a letter of self-proclamation George Washington, in connection with the Albanians. “I remember when I took the letter to show Bill Clinton in one of the numerous interviews for the book and said,” See, Bill, what I discovered from the archives of Washington. He, with the first letter, he said: “I saw Carl, I see. I had not seen, God knows if we had intervened in Kosovo, “says Woodward, known as a journalist, columnist and author who has so far won four awards” Pulitzer “. He says not to be included in the book Washington’s letter to Clinton, because now preparing a special book of Washington and his Albanian origin. Woodward says that if they thought the book title – George Washington: First Lasso White House or perhaps “Kosovo Albanian who created the state of America.” -In A way, the US commitment in favor of the Albanians is a debt that America now turn people born founder of the American people. From the research it is clear that President Woodrow Wilson had read the letter at the time had decided to establish an independent state of Albania, Woodward says, and adds that the same, President Nixon was the key person who has contributed to the achievement of autonomy, the Constitution of 1974. Nixon and Tito had a meeting, sometime in 1970, in which the US president pledged a non-refundable aid from 5 billion to Yugoslavia, from 500 million a year until 1980, in exchange for granting full autonomy for Kosovo. Tito was agreed and it all started there – the creation of the University of Pristina, the constitutional amendments in 1971, the Constitution of 1974, and so on, shows Woodward. -even, A continuation of the assistance has been provided in a discussion between Tito and another American president, Jimmy Carter, for the years 1980-1990, for whom getting Tito was agreed that Kosovo give it the status of the Republic. While Tito died, and Serbs moved against autonomy, Americans stopped others help … you know, he said. However, Woodward believes that all American presidents have read the letter to Washington and have been bound by it in order to help the Albanians, in different ways and at different stages of history. American author does not wish to reveal the contents of the letter, saying it needed to wait appearance of my book, but says what he has written left Washington will clarify many things about US relations with Albanians. In connection with the epochal discovery of Albanian origin of George Washington, as well as other statements unheard until now, the US Embassy in Pristina did not want to give any comment. Research Institute of Genetics from Switzerland Schafhauseni has also some very interesting results on the genetic background of some of the world’s historical leaders. According to research, Fidel Castro has English descent, Vladimir Lenin was Chechen, while French President Charles de Gaulle withdrew from Algeria who had been, in fact, of Arab descent.

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