May be 24 black boxes being left on earth by an alien race. Were discovered near the Pyramid of Giza.

The ancient Egyptians ruled the world for close to 3 000 years. They left behind so many treasures of countless architecture, art and mythology, but especially endless mysteries. This is another mystery that added in the list of encoded things. Recently were discovered 24 strange and black boxes, near of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Each of them weighing more than 100 tons and were discovered buried in a hillside cave system located 12 miles south of the Great Pyramid of Giza in the ancient necropolis of Saqqara near Memphis in Lower Egypt. It is not known how the ancient Egyptians had the technology to make those stone boxes. The skillfulness with which the stone has been cut is with an accuracy of just a few microns. This hight precision has left some experts with the conclusion that they were not built for Egyptian pharaohs but instead, they were appropriated by the kings, after they being left on earth by an alien race. The high precision of engineering of each of the black stone boxes is remarkable, even by 21st century standards. The precision of construction of the surfaces of stone boxes, which are 100-tonnes with 30-tonne lids, and the angles are within a few ten thousandths of an inch. In a report made by The Express, the black boxes display some poor-quality hieroglyphics that scribbles are regarded as graffiti. Experts are yet to fathom the real purpose of the boxes. Archaeologists are still baffled by the boxes and their real purpose. It is evident that these items were of great importance due to the intricateness of their designs and the fact that they were made to stay airtight for centuries. The abandoned city of Memphis, Egypt referred to them as Serapeum of Saqqara, where Ramesses II is believed to have built the formal burial site sometime 3300 years ago. There has been recent studies that suggest it was a burial place that was designated for Apis bulls, which were worshipped as incarnations of the god Ptah. The Egyptologists claim that the bulls were honored as gods Khaemweset, and as a result a son of Ramesses II ordered the excavation of the tunnel, which would pass through one of the mountains at the site and it was to be designed with side chambers to contain large granite sarcophagi of up to 100 tons each to hold the mummified remnants of the bulls. Attempting to explain the purpose of the mysterious boxes, some Egyptologists suggested that they were intended to hold the mummified remains of the sacred bulls. But none of the boxes contained mummified remains of the sacred Apis bulls. UFO believers insist they must have been constructed to hold the mummified remains of giant humanoid aliens, who never used them, possibly because they left Earth before they died.

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