Isolation The crisis of theaters and cinemas deepen..

In order to open the doors to the public on the first day of June, you need to remove some theaters and cinemas. While theaters want to provide evidence to give more relief to pandemic measures, cinemas want to be offered movies. Closed tire retention has also been featured as a hit for the cultural scene. The fact that the Ministry of Health has allowed the opening of kindergartens, mosques, churches and centers, rather than theaters and cinemas, is meaningless for cultural creation services. From March 12, "isolation" means the protection of culture. The galleries and museums reopened with the second phase of relief, before May 18th. For theater directors and cinema managers, the risk is much greater in shopping malls and religious buildings. They have said that in cinema and theater it is easier to manage distance maintenance recommendations. Director Zana Hoxha has been holding rehearsals with small groups for several days. He said that they are working intensively, respecting the measures regarding the distance. For him, the decision not to open theaters turns out to be completely meaningless.

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