I dont want to lose my face! Let me grow old!

In my neighborhood hairdresser, one can get her hair cut or do the hair straighten, but there are also some exceptional services done there such as do the lips and increase their volume, you may also apply fillers with Hyaluronic Acid in your face or either do a peeling. All this is done by Flora, our hairdresser of red hair and green eyes. According to her, there is no need to go to the dermatologist to do these services. Meanwhile somewhere near my flat, in an amateur painter`s studio who decorates children`s rooms with bears, you may color your lips or just outline them with a pigment that lasts for a year, or you may even make your eyebrows. You won`t believe me?! Neither me believed this when my friend told me, but when I saw it with my own eyes, I understood how much we damage our health, in particular teenagers and young girls. The pressure to look nice and remain young is ever-growing! The nightmare of the image pushes not only old ages, but also youngsters, not only females, but even males, not only the rich, but even the poor. To all now the form is far more important than content! No matter who you are, the matter is how great you look! There are girls who wear make-up since the early morning hours. Those girls, who do not have the money to buy their make-up products in specialized shops, buy them everywhere, in cheap markets often exposed to the sun, even in pavements, on the ground, where there is garbage and mud. The use of these beauty products is jeopardizing their health causing allergies, face rashes, even deformations. Today girls look like a series product. Extended hair with bold color hair, lips where botox is evident, and done breasts where the result is in disproportion with the body in its whole. Today, all the girls and women I see in the street, magazines or TV have thick lips and eyebrows, small noses, and neon nails made of gum. The make-up of women and girls is often heavy and unnatural. Beauty costs, but not everybody in our poor country can use qualitative products and safe ones. The studies carried out by oncologists in Mother Tereza Hospital in Tirana, among 12 factors that cause skin cancer are even the non-qualitative cosmetic products. These products such as creams, hair colorants, lipsticks, or other toxic elements found in cheap cosmetic products contain huge amounts of ammoniac, carbon dioxide and other toxic substances for the skin and organism. The exercising of controls in all markets, and regardless efforts to adopt new laws, is almost an impossible mission. Nonetheless, we should admit that it is the time of chirurgical interventions, the case when mom along with her daughters, inspired by a show biz character goes to the doctor and orders the new face and body for her daughter. It is the time when very young girls look like women and women look like Lolita. The time when it is not important how you feel, but how you look and for sure that girl with her mom going to the doctors who lost her pretty face, one evening while washing off her make-up will stop and try to remember her previous face, the true one, but she won`t, because she hasn`t lost only her face, but even the chance to know and accept herself.

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