How Tourism in Albania Can Get You Your Hearts Desire?

Albania has been ignored as a tourist destination in the past and for years was under one of the most repressive communist totalitarian regimes in history but things are way, way different now, and while the country still has far to come to catch up with its neighbors in Europe, it’s making great strides towards lasting progress. Albania is a country with an unfathomably long history, almost 5,000 years, and offers visitors an incredible mix of cultural and natural wonders. Without further ado, here are some reasons why you should plan your holidays to Albania as soon as possible! 1.The beaches are the best in Europe. Sorry, Croatia, Italy, Greece, and Montenegro, I know you’ll disagree, but Albania has got the best beaches in all of Europe. The stony beaches make the water a gorgeous, crystal-clear turquoise that feels like your real life has been Photoshopped. 2. There are countless fortresses and castles that you can explore. Most castles have limited infrastructure, such as informational plaques or warning signs, so you get to feel a bit like Indiana Jones as you explore castles totally on your own. 3. The coast has amazing seafood. You can eat delicious fresh prawns, mussels, fish, calamari… all for bargain prices and fresh as can be. 4.The mountains are absolutely beautiful - you will enjoy the unique opportunity to walk, breathe, sleep, and eat amidst the legends dating from Homer and through modern tales of our majestic mystery and intrigue. 5.The rural parts of the country are stunning - The beauty of the landscapes of this unique land is unquestionable. 6. The bunkers offer a fascinating, if unsightly, look into the past. For those who admire the history and want to learn more, Albania is the right place. 7. Albania is a true cultural mixing pot. 8. Historic cities aren’t all Albania has to offer – it has incredible lakes, deep-flowing natural springs and it has gorgeous waterfalls as well. 9. Albania is a delightful mix of discovered and undiscovered. You can really choose your own adventure here… 10. Albania is never boring and it’s not just affordable – it’s cheap.

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