Mysterious deaths in Albania, or murders?

The death of 4 members of a Russian family in a luxury hotel in Qerret, Kavaja, remains a mystery. There are many mysterious deaths in Albania, but ABC has chosen to bring back to attention only 4 serious cases full of mystery. It is about the death of 23-year-old Evgjeni Baxho who was found without signs of life on May 18 in her house; Death of three members of the Haliti family in Durrës as a result of mushroom poisoning; the case of the Josifi family in Tirana, Anisa and Zhaneta Josifi, mother and daughter, were found dead in an apartment in the “Kombinat” neighborhood, while the other daughter, Blerta, managed survive due to police intervention; The other case is the murder of 23-year-old Englantina Buci by her father Faik Buci, 66 years old and their brother Shkëlzen Buci. They killed their daughter after she had decided to live with a boy, for whom they did not give their approval.

Death of Evgjeni Baxho.

The death of Evgjeni Baxho in Tirana has raised mysteries that have not yet received an answer. Several symbols painted in red were found on her body.

Evgjeni Baxho

Experts say they are indicative of a satanic ritual performed by a sect on her. Meanwhile, symbols similar to those found on the belly of 23-year-old Evgjeni Baxho were painted after her death on a wall behind the "Ismail Qemali" gymnasium in the capital. "He is coming", was written in English behind the Ismail Qemali gymnasioum in Tirana "He is coming", was written in English, but it is not understood to whom it refers and the meaning of this symbol remains unclear.

Evgjeni and the symbols on her body after she died.

We remind that at first it was reported that the 23-year-old may have died as a result of removing a tooth, but the tragedy was much more complicated than that. Evgjeni Baxho was found dead on May 18 in a rented apartment near the "Ali Demi" neighborhood in Tirana, while a few days later photos of mysterious symbols were published on her body, for which the police have no explanation so far.

The self-sacrifice of the Josifi family in Tirana, where a mother and daughter died.

Another sensational case is that of the Josifi family in Tirana. Anisa and Zhaneta Josifi, mother and daughter, were found dead in an apartment in the "Kombinat" neighborhood, while the other daughter, Blerta, managed to survive due to police intervention. Josifi family, from the left: Zhaneta, Blerta and Anisa All three of them had not eaten for a long time. Anisa Josifi, who was kept in bed for several months by her mother and sister, Blerta,died first. While awaiting Anisa's resurrection, mother and Blerta gave up food in the form of sacrifice. A few months later, Zhaneta Josifi also passed away, while the relatives are alarmed due to their absence and inform the police, which after the intervention finds the other daughter of the family, Blerta, near to death. Religious inscription found in the josifi family after the tragedy in Tirana Investigations revealed that the family had practiced a strange religious rite through which mothers and daughters had sacrificed themselves.

Death from mushroom poisoning of three family members from Gjilan.

As mysterious as the death of 4 Russians in Kavaja was at the beginning of the investigation, the death of three members of the Haliti family: Elfete, Afrim and Ferzinaze Haliti from Gjakova during their vacation in Durrës. Initially was suspected as a murder, then expertise revealed that their deaths came as a result of mushroom poisoning. Haliti family, from the left: Afrm, Elfete and Ferzinaze They went to the QSUT in serious condition and after performing all the examinations, were initially hospitalized in the Toxicology Service, but after their condition worsened, they were transferred to the Central Resuscitation Service. But despite the efforts of doctors, they could not survive, where Elfete Haliti died first a day after the poisoning on May 6, 2021. One day after her, on May 7, her son, Elfete Haliti, passed away, while a day after him, on May 8, the latter's wife, Ferzinaze Haliti, also passed away. 3 members of the Haliti family, grandmother Elfete, 78 years old, her son Afrim, 56 years old and his wife, Ferzinaze, 57 years old, lost their lives in QSUT in Tirana, after 3 days they had shown severe signs of poisoning. Their poisoning occurred on May 5 this year until May 8 they closed their eyes with a difference of 24 hours from each other.

The murder of Englantina Buci by her father and brother for honor purposes.

The macabre murder of 23-year-old Englantina Buci by her father and brother distracted the investigation on many tracks initially because of the script that had been prepared. From the left: Shkëlzen Buci and Faik Buci, the murderes of respectively their sister and daughter Finding a part of a skeleton buried in the area of ​ Mountain ​Mali me Gropa, revealed a macabre murder within the family. Faik Buci, 66, and Shkëlzen Buci killed their daughter after she decided to live with a boy, for whom they did not give their approval. Eglantina, 23, who you see in this photo, despite the family's denial, went to the Fresku area with the boy she loved, and there the couple lived for some time in a rented apartment. Although they had lost all contact, the young woman was being monitored by her father, Faik.

Pictures of Eglantina Buci

After the divorce with the mother of the girl, with whom he had raised 4 children, Faik, then 58 years old, was living with a woman from Shkodra. But even though he was indifferent and saw his own affairs, he did not want his daughter to do the same. Eglantina was under his supervision as Faik waited for the moment to kill her. Not finding the right time, the father asked his son to finish her. Shkelzen, then 29 years old, newly involved in the underworld, contacted a friend of his and his sister. This person is also the main witness of the crimes committed by Shkëlzen, and is also a collaborator of justice. Shkëlzen had long asked the friend of both to take care of his sister, and one day, he took the two, brother and sister, in the car and headed for Mountain Mali me Gropa area on the outskirts of Tirana. The road to Mali me Gropa was accompanied by a fierce quarrel between brother and sister, based on the testimony of this witness. It was the skeleton discovered and shredded by the animals there, which showed that belonged to Eglantina Buci. The Police and the Prosecution continued for another three years since 2017 when the murder took place until they documented with evidence that Shkëlzen Buci and Faik Buci, killed the daughter of the family, Eglantina because they did not accept her to continue her relationship. #blogger #bloggerlife #blogueira #vlog #blogging #blogueiras #blogueirinha #blogpost #bloggersofinstagram #blogs #blogto #bloggerlifestyle #bloggerfashion #bloglife #bloggergirl #bloger #blogueuse #blogdemoda #bloggerslife #mysterious #deaths #albania #

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