Greece launches explorations on oil in Albanian waters! Greek Energy Minister states the change of the energy maps in a few years.

The Greek government has given with concession the land and sea quadrants in the northern area of Peloponnese. In Athens on Thursday, an agreement was signed between the Greek Energy Minister George Stathakis and the winning companies of concessions. The Greek Ministry has published the agreement. As for land searches, the maps and coordinates were normally published, whereas no naval map where physical searches will be conducted was published by the ministry by raising doubts that they will affect the negotiable part of Greece and Albania. Among the areas given with concession is "Joni 2", the quadrant stretching north of the Corfu Island, a part of which is superposed in the controversial area between Albania and Greece. "Joni 2" quadrant is located within the exclusive economic zone of Albania, but based on the maritime pact signed in 2008 by Lulzim Basha and the Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis, a large part of it passes to Greece. The pact was rejected a year later by the constitutional court and was not ratified by the respective parliaments. Apparently this situation did not prevent Athens from initially negotiating with Norwegian seismic search companies to carry out searches in the area, which were conducted at night under the protection of the Greek Coast Guard. For the official Athens, this part remains Greek territory, and Greece has also handed over its geographic coordinates to the UN maps department without an agreement first between the two countries. This area was given to the Consortium "Total France", "Elpe" and the Italians of "Edison", where the first drilling is scheduled to be completed within 2018. The consortium is convinced that there are large reserves of gas and oil in the area. Even the Greek energy minister has stated that in a few years world energy maps will change and Greece will be at the center of positive change.

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