Go Back to Where You Came From, a reality show for immigrants

A reality TV show to be aired in Poland this fall. "Go Back to Where You Came From" will feature six people as they “live like refugees and with refugees” for almost a month, according to the TVN television network. They traveled with just their passports, some money and their cellphones through Germany, Austria, Hungary and Serbia before reaching Greece, where they boarded a boat to cross the Mediterranean Sea. (around 27,000 migrants have died while trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea since 1993). Producers say the six Polish nationals selected had different opinions on the migration crisis. "This will be one of the hardest journeys of their lives," the network said in a press release. "How will this journey change the views on immigration for our heroes? Will this change the way they look at their own lives?" Critics have accused the producers of "Go Back to Where You Came From," which is based on an Australian show of the same name that aired from 2011 to 2015, of exploiting the suffering of migrants for commercial gain. Poland with 38 million-strong population has 10 percent of its population from outside country and the remains one of the most homogeneous societies in the European Union. A poll conducted by the country's Center for Research on Public Opinion in June found that 5 percent of people in Poland believed refugees fleeing war should be allowed to settle in the country. Some 29 percent said refugees should be allowed to stay until they can return home, while 60 percent said refugees fleeing conflict shouldn't be accepted.


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