Farewell roaming! There will be no roaming tariffs between European Union countries.

After June 15, 2017 there will be no roaming tariffs between European Union countries. Customers will pay the same prizes for calls, SMS and the internet whenever they travel to 26 member states. The European Parliament has voted unanimously for the implementation of the agreement, submitted by the European Commission. This is just the first agreement of a series of new rules to come into force by the European Parliament's April 2014 law on neutrality and means that no content on the Internet, application, or service will Restricted or locked. This reform will affect every aspect of this sector, including common frequency co-ordination. Creating conditions for the flourishing of digital networks and services is the Commission's main objective for the successful fulfillment of the mission for a Digital Market for the whole of Europe. The new wholesale tariffs should be low enough for operators to provide customer services free of charge but high in order to cover service costs. Already starting on June 15, 2017, citizens can make calls, send messages, and sail online, as if they were in their home country. What's different in Albania? Nothing! The roaming agreement extends only to the 28 member states of the European Union. Holds operators if they want to charge their customers or not, or offer promotions regardless of whether the company providing the service has international activity. Now the wholesale tariffs in EU member states among operators will be 7.7 euros per gigabyte from the previous 50. The price will fall further on January 1, 2018 to 2.5 euros per gigabyte. Starting next April next year, roaming charges will mark another drop: operators will only charge 0.05 euros per minute, 0.02 euros per SMS and 0.05 euros per MB internet. Now, consumers pay extra fees each time they travel abroad. This is an additional cost besides the normal call cost.

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