Face mask that eliminates coronavirus...

A reusable mask that can kill coronavirus through heat is said to have been discovered by scientists in Israel. According to them, the mask will be equipped with a USB port from which it will get enough energy to kill the coronavirus. The disinfection process takes about 30 minutes and users should not wear the mask when in charge, according to Professor Yair Ein-Eli, who led the research. The new mask has a USB port, which connects to an energy source, such as a standard cell phone charger, which heats up an inner layer of carbon fiber up to 70 degrees Celsius, which is enough to kill viruses. Ein-Eli said disposable masks, which are in great demand around the world, are not economical and supportive of the environment. "It has to be reusable and that's our solution," he said. The prototype looks like a standard N95 mask, with a valve at the top and rubber bands, to stay on the head. Researchers say they are discussing trading the product with the private sector and it will most likely be sold at an additional $ 1 price over the typical garbage disposal mask.

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