Environment friendly school to be built in New Zealand

It may look like an alien base but it is not. It is the project of a green school which will be finished in a year time. A school of this kind is already operating in Bali and it will be a model to the one opened in a 121-acre farm in Oukura South of New Plymouth. This is a revolutionary approach to education and will focus on being friendly to the environment. It is the right moment for children to care about the environment and raise awareness of it. The UFO-like classrooms dotted around a central hub. The school has been founded by Taranaki couple Michael and Rachel Perrett, whose children attended the green school of Bali. In this school students are taught where their food comes from and how to grow it. If the school needs a bridge, it's maths and art project. If Bali is facing a problem, students are asked to find a solution. So for example, if the topic is rice, they will do some geography about where rice is grown, maths will be involved to design their own rice paddy, flooding it out, buying seedlings, working out the cost, cooking with that rice... And you know what? Some parents will come and ask if their children can have white rice instead of brown because they don't eat it. But that is not the deal. Because after some days sitting with their classmates, who already eat rice, they will eat it too. They will eat vegetables as well and everything else they grow themselves. Kids of the green school have boundless energy and motivation to be the change that the world needs. These were all the features which amazed this couple and want to adapt it to New Zealand. After all why should we wait until we grow up to be significant?

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