Enlargement process, not fair for albanians!

In an interview for the Austrian “Der Standard”, the albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama speaks about integration. However, he admits there is still no specific date for opening negotiations, and for this he points his finger to Brussels. However Prime minister of Albania, Rama recently has declared that the Albanian government pretend to receive a positive message within the first 100 days from EU, as regards integration. “You can never know with EU, because they keep changing positions and conditions. We have done everything we were asked to, and now we have to wait and see. It may be done during the next year, if the EU Council expresses a positive opinion about this. But it may not happen in the next year. It is not because of Albania, but the enlargement process has become less fair and less predictable. This is because of Europe”, Rama said. But Rama declared that Albania is already the part of EU aspirate. “It is simply unfair that we haven’t started our accession negotiations yet. I don’t see this as an incredible fear of the European leaders, since they constantly relate the accession talks to negative will coming from the public opinion. This is crazy. It would be understandable if we were talking about just becoming a member, but we are talking about negotiations. It would be much more simple, if these politicians said that they would never admit new countries in the EU, if these new countries don’t fulfill the criteria”, Rama sayed.

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