EBRD Report 73 of Albanians think economy has worsened, but 77 of them are optimistic

According to a report published by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Life in Transition, 73% of Albanian respondents think that the economic situation has worsened compared to four years ago and around half of them are unhappy even with the healthcare. 47% are unhappy with current quality of public healthcare offered by the state through a series of expensive public–private partnerships. 56% is prepared to pay higher taxes if this would actually improve the quality of healthcare. 63% are unhappy with the judicial system. 79% of respondents receiving welfare are unhappy about this public service; 63% of respondents are unhappy with the judicial system 70% think that the political situation has worsened compared to four years ago. 44% of respondents believe that the freedom of speech is protected. 75% of respondents think that emigrants are important contributors to the Albanian economy. This was a result based on 1377 interviews held in 2016. About half of the respondents prefer a democracy and a market economy. 50% of Albanians prefer a democratic governing system, while the rest are neutral. The support for democracy in Albania has significantly dropped in the past 6 years, from 57% in 2010 to 50% at this moment. 31% of them would prefer a planned economy or authoritarian regime. The opinion poll “Life in Transition”, suggests that that part of Albanians who want authoritarian governing is three times higher than in Western Europe. This percentage is even higher than the average in former communist countries, where this figure is 28%. 77% of respondents are optimistic that their children will have a better life than them.

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