Early marriages alarming in Albania! Girls get married at the age of 13

What age should a girl get married? Albanian law prohibits marriage under the age of 18, but the latest study by the Observatory on Children's Rights shows that early marriages are often encountered in Albania. This problem still unresolved, not even reported by the Albanian institutions and society has always existed, but finally is being denounced. According to this study in districts like Korça and Vlora, there are girls who are married at the age of 13 or even earlier. Such marriages according to the representative of this observatory Ms. Elma Tërshana, occur mainly in rural and poor areas. In Albania's border areas, this secret phenomenon is becoming alarming, as girls under the age of 18 are marrying foreign citizens, much older in their age. As often occurs for various issues in Albania, this phenomenon also lacks concrete figures and statistics. The law leaves room for marriage ending in court doors, where there is almost always no psychologist and minors are not protected by lawyers. According to psychologist Orjola Pampuri, marriage before the age of 18 creates confusion, while it should serve to create the identity and psycho-physical development of these girls. The act of such marriages leads to trauma and often irreversible consequences.

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