Doesnt function properl! Public Administration will change drastically on September.

The Public Administration in Albania and its employees every day are receiving messages and warnings that in September, in the second mandate of the government, everything will change. Are expected to happen dismissed, appointments and excuses, everything in the context of a previously announced restructuring. During his public hearing on some citys Prime Minister Edi Rama forewarns a drastic change of the public administration. He stress olmost every meeting that administration “parasites” or “vultures” dismissal would be a priority of the government during this mandate. Prime Minister, Edi Rama warned of cuts within administration, especially against those who have been appointed thanks their partisan connections. “We have too many people, from the Socialist Party (SP) or other smaller parties, which hide behind the party’s flag and live by stealing the people’s money. We will drastically change governance and all institutions”, declared Rama during one of his public hearing. On her part, Albanian Minister of Public Administration Milena Harito informed that administration reform would be a priority of the Albanian government in its second mandate. This fact was announced today by Harito during an interview for “Gazeta Shqiptare”. Administration’s restructuring will be based on employees’ performance assessment”, she said. “We aim to revitalize the entire work of the administration, pulling it out from its sort of apathy created as the result of the bureaucratic daily routine”, Albanian Minister of Public Administration Milena Harito declared. “Public administration employees’performance will be assessed in accordance to his personal file and institution’s performance. The evaluation process will be conducted by the institutions’chiefs. The administration’s restructuring is needed in order to increase its performance while meeting the citizens’requests and the European integration process challenges”, declared Harito. She strees: “ It is a fact that Albanian citizens do not easily receive the rights and services that they deserve from the administration that they’re paying for”. The restructuring and increase of the performance of the administration is a necessity and for opinion of the European Union, which sees such reform as an absolute priority for the opening of EU accession talks, EU Ambassador to Albania Romana Vlahutin recently told reporters. EU will be totally committed to provide assistance in the transformation of Albania's public administration, she said: “Albanian public administration must be ready when the talks with the EU are launched”. According to the EU ambassador “A country cannot be modernized without a public administration and Albania is no different to other countries. The reform in the public administration is one of the five key priorities that Albania has to meet in order to open accession talks”. The European Union has already given 32 million euros for capacity building in Albanian administration. This very radical reform of the administration will go parallel with the restructuring of the government. The Government of Albania too will be smallerin September. Albania is the second poorest economy in Europe, it needs a future in the EU, but its administration currently suffers because parties found alternative channels to appoint their militants based on political loyalty rather than meritocracy. Currently, public administration in Albania counts about 90,000 employees. Of these, 9,000 are part of the Civil Service, which is managed by DAP, and about 7,000 others are again part of the Civil Service but are managed by local government or independent institutions. Public Administration reformation is one of government’s main challenges. Must to finding the right people for the state’s offices instead of just employing someone in the public administration.

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