
Where should one invest in Albania?!

Albania has a liberalized economic framework and favorable conditions for doing business. It has a strategic position

Germany 125 million euros investment for the next 4 years in Albania

With a fund of 124.9 million euros, Germany will support investments in the energy, tourism and environment

How Apple Increased Profits During the Pandemic ?

Apple has boosted sales and profits to dizzying values ​​despite the coronavirus crisis. The American company exceeds

A difficult year, A.Denaj Albanian government reacted quickly and effectively

The Minister of Economy Anila Denaj during her speech in the Assembly stated that 2020 has been

Here are the 10 highest paid clubs, dominated by English

The finances of most football clubs have suffered shocks during 2020 due to the impact of the

WHO Even the most prepared countries fight vaccines

The Director of Immunization and Vaccines at the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Katherine O'Brien, has stated

Albania with the highest debt among the countries of the region

The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly increased the level of public debt in the country as a result

Ekonomi Exports have increased by 145, we send products to 75 countries around the world

During the weekly conference with the economy in focus, Prime Minister Edi Rama spoke about the development

Germany is the new trend of Albanians emigration..

Germany has become a new emigration trend for Albanians, but especially those with skills. Eurostat data showed

Bill Gates The anti-Covid vaccine should not be available only to those who offer money...

According to billionaire Bill Gates, leaders should make right decisions for distribution on the basis of equality,

Well-known businessman Petrit Ago warns of what will happen to the economy in the coming months

The statement of Prime Minister Rama, who said that due to coronavirus, in March the state lost

Here is the price of the promising drug in the fight against coronavirus

The drug, manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Gilead, is currently the only one approved for use against

The Fier Bypass opens but work will continue until August..

On June 15, the government made the next inauguration for the Fier Bypass. This road segment is

Tourism, 93 mln Euro in the first 3 months of this year, what about during pandemic time...

In the first three months of the year, tourists brought 346 million euros to Albania, but the

The UK marks the most dramatic economic decline in history

The UK is emerging from the quarantine phase, but its consequences for the country's economy have been

EBRD Why the Albanian economy is expected to have the largest decline in the region

The relatively high public debt, as well as the low liquidity that Albania was facing at the

The largest banknote until now will be launched soon..

The largest banknote ever, 10.000 leke will be put into circulation in the last quarter of

UN Global economy to shrink 3.2 percent by 2020

The United Nations (UN) predicts that the global economy will shrink by 3.2 percent this year due

Will tax controllers be tracked with GPS?

According to the documents, the system should provide a solution to the problem of monitoring inspectors in

What will happen to the reconstruction tenders at this time of pandemic?

The Public Procurement Agency has clarified that the reconstruction tenders will not be postponed and will continue

Application for COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment Available

Minister of Finance and Economy, Anila Denaj, has announced that the application for COVID-19 pandemic unemployment payment

10 poorest states in USA

Normally we read articles or watch news about poverty in world. When it comes to USA we

Today Greece can stand on its own feet, but greeks are not in festive mood.

Greece emerged from her biggest bailout in economic history. The eurozone’s European Stability Mechanism rescue fund said

The New Zealand government has banned the sale of existing homes to foreign buyers.

The New Zealand government has banned the sale of existing homes to foreign buyers, saying New Zealanders

Albanians dress better than the Europeans

Who said that Albanians are poor? Actually they Are Poor, but Have Higher Expenses than EU Citizens

Forbes magazine has rated Albania in the Top worlds cheapest 2017 destination.

Albania is the number 1 cheapest destination to travel globally for 2017. In a video showcased on

Albanias central bank calling on potential investors to avoid buying digital currencies

Central banks and governments continue to make statements about the dangers of digital currencies, or, conversely, extolling

Why and who invests in Albania? Greece, Holland and Canada lead the list of countries who have invested in Albania.

. Why invest in Albania? Albania is considered as a strategic place to invest, located in the center of

Albania can become a new front with its large and unexploited oil resources

Albania can become a new front with its large and unexploited oil resources! Albanian Prime Minister Edi

Tirana, a costly city to live in!

17.4 years in Tirana needed to buy an apartment, 17 years in Milano, 16.8 years in Paris,

The pros and cons of investing in Albania! Be acquainted with both sides of the medal!

The pros of investing in Albania: 1. Albania has great economic potential and favorable geographic position; 2. The business legal

Who carried out the first banking transaction in Albania and when!!

Did you know who carried out the first banking transaction in Albania and when? It was carried