Astronomers discover the message that comes from space..

Astronomers have been engaged for years in discovering and understanding every message that comes from the Universe, whether visible from every corner of the planet, or coming from the most distant galaxies, and only discovered with the most advanced technology. But it is only the second time in history that one of these messages, called FRB, a form of "explosion" of radio waves that can be traced to their source, repeated with a form of periodic and mysterious schemes. Originally it was the FRB signal “180916. J0158 + 65 ”which was repeated every 16 days, while now astronomers at the Jodrell Observatory in the UK have identified another signal, called FRB 121102, which has a 90-day period where it can occur, and then disappears for 67 days, with such a scheme being repeated every 157 days. Which phenomenon causes such an explosion to generate radio waves, astronomers still do not know how to determine, especially considering that the source of the message comes from a galaxy about 3 billion light-years away. It could be the orbit of a giant star, some lost civilization in the galaxy, but also a black hole, although the extension of the signal has not yet been explained.

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