Aliens appear on the Adriatic coast.

Excluzive Sources inside NASA that wanting to remain anonymous, today have published in some portals and the social media some mysterioz images, that look like the alien appearing on the shores of the Adriatic Sea. The mysterious creature appears, while it comes out of the sea and looks like it surveys an apparatus in his hand. It does this for a few seconds and disappears again. According to these sources, the aliens are seen in several states throughout the coast, such as Split, Ancona, Durres, Bari, Brindisi and other Adriatic coasts. From the footage it is clearly seen that the Alien is quiet, while is emergesing from the sea. The creature observes for a few moments the apparatus which appears in his hand, and after that plunges back into the sea. We are streaming the full video that came to our portal with the inscription "We are not alone" However, this video must be carefully watched by alien phenomenon researchers, but also by special visual effects specialists, whether this video is true, or is it a fad of any cineast crazy, because the footage is really unbelievable and very impressive. It is not the first time that strange creatures that emerge from the sea have been observed on the Adriatic coast, but this time it is clear that it is not about species that live in the saline waters of our planet, but for mysterious creatures. See the exlusive video at You can see this video and make your comments!

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