Albanian, the language that preceded other Indo-European languages

It is always said and over said, but when such news is released by a foreign media, a prestigious one such as “New York Times”, it is once more reconfirmed with no subjective emotions involved. Yes! The Albanian language, the endemic language spoken only by Albanians, is ranked among the three oldest languages of the planet! “The New York Times” highlights with facts that the Albanian language is the third oldest language in the world, after Armenian and Greek language. Many Albanian linguists assess Albanian language as an Indo-European language and this latest study has analyzed 103 dead and alive languages from this family, creating a relationship tree among various languages. The Albanian language is an isolated Indo-European language, as Armenian or Greek. According to researchers “Albanian is a very old language which has a precious identity even within this group and presents specific characteristics which make the difference with others. This study is part of studies highlighting that out of 47 modern languages of the Indo-European family, only two of them Albanian and Armenian directly descend from the Indo-European family, with no parent as a language mediator. These studies indicate that Albanian language is one of the oldest Indo-European languages and Albanians as the oldest Indo-European people.

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