Again without results. In Kosovo the political crisis continues.

The session lasted less than an hour and ended without results. Adem Mikullovci, as the oldest MP, which today has presided the session, has disrupted sixth constitutive meeting of Assembly after PDK-AAK-Nisma (PAN) coalition admitted they lack necessary votes to vote the speaker. Kosovo Assembly discussed the only point of the agenda: election of speaker and his deputies. Enver Hoxhaj representing PAN said that lack necessary votes to elect the speaker Kadri Veseli, which today has proposed again for speaker according to a pre-election coalition agreement the PDK. “We have the candidate for speaker but we don’t have majority in Assembly,” Hoxhaj said. Vetevendosje’s candidate for Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, called on PAN MPs that as winners of election to propose another candidate considering that their proposal Kadri Veseli, has no votes to be elected speaker of Assembly. His statement triggered reaction of Veseli who said that if Kurti and his party Vetevendosje manages to get 61 votes he will allow them to form new institutions. Kurti earlier also has proposed through a public letter that if PAN boycotts the session or refuses to submit its candidate for speaker of Parliament on 24 August, then another candidate should be proposed from another political party, in order to be voted. After PAN’s proposal for additional time and the harsh debate between Kadri Veseli and Albin Kurti, the Interim Speaker of the Kosovo Assembly, Adem Mikullovci, has disrupted today’s constitutive session. Today’s session was the sixth attempt to elect the speaker as the first step towards creation of new institutions after 11 June election. The PDK is part of the coalition with the AAK and Nisma who won the election but still they lack majority to form new institutions. Behgjet Pacolli’s party (AKR) refused last moment to support PAN in forming new institutions. Media reported that PAN coalition leaders, Kadri Veseli (PDK) and Ramush Haradinaj (AAK), met Behgjet Pacolli in his residence late oN Wednesday in an effort to end political stalemate. On the other hand officials of Pacolli’s party stated that they will not help PAN to form new institutions and they will remain faithful to their pre-election coalition partners –the LDK. After this Thursday, again in Kosovo, the political crisis continues.

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