A poisonous fish are spreading so fast in the Mediterranean. It is a major threat to the ecosystem

A poisonous tropical fish with potential to kill people can spread to the Mediterranean, alert alarmers who fear that creatures may spoil other species in the ecosystem. The rabble, highly invasive lynx - armed with poisonous jokes and a painful stroke that could prove deadly to humans - was discovered in waters around Turkey and Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) warns. Species, also known as the Devil's Fire, are native to the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean. He has mysteriously reached the Atlantic several decades ago, causing havoc on marine ecosystems there, including in the Caribbean. Environmentalists fear that coming to the eastern Mediterranean fish - whose strikes can cause extreme pain, vomiting, and breathing paralysis - may have knock-on effects on the rest of the marine environment. Fish could have been introduced by aquarium enthusiasts who left them free, experts say - either through the Red Sea Sea Suez, which can serve as a channel for non-natural species. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a US government agency, lionfish are a major threat to the Atlantic cliffs and are now located along the southeastern coast of the United States, the Caribbean, and parts of the Gulf of Mexico. Experts are still astonished at how the fish arrived in the Atlantic - but as in the Mediterranean, they believe people lend a helping hand and speculate that people have thrown unwanted fish from home aquariums in the ocean. Bulk cargo ships are also a secret place for invasive species. NOAA added that cold water temperatures constitute another environmental factor that controls the distribution of species to a large extent. While ocean waters are warmed as a result of climate change, lionfish and other invasive species can expand their range and begin to touch intact ecosystems, the agency said.

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