3 distinct stages of covid19 are identified..

Scientists have managed to describe 3 separate stages of disease progression and call on professional doctors to consider these stages in the treatment of the disease. SARS-CoV-2, the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19, is transmitted through droplets coming out of the nose or mouth of an infected person when coughing, sneezing or, in some cases, when speaking, the researchers said. During the early stage of infection (Stage 1), they said the virus multiplies within the body and is likely to cause mild symptoms that can be confused with a common cold or flu. The second stage, according to scientists, is the pulmonary phase (Stage 2), when the immune system is strongly affected by the infection, and mainly leads to respiratory symptoms, such as persistent cough, shortness of breath and low oxygen levels. Problems with blood coagulation - especially with blood clot formation - can be predominant in stage 2, scientists say. The third stage, hyperinflammation, occurs when a hyperactive immune system can cause damage to the heart, kidneys and other organs, they said. At this stage, the study noted that a "cytokine storm" could occur - where the body attacks its own tissues. It is necessary to know these stages in order to follow the appropriate treatment for patients with covid19.

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